Tag: Health
Heartfelt Affirmations and Awareness to Release Fear and Pain
Through taking these statements inside and working with your energy in the way they suggest, you can eradicate a great deal of fear and pain. for what is left as “normal” fear and pain, you can have a whole new way of riding the waves via your energy system.
Heart Health: 9 Keys to Promote Health and Happiness
Heart health is more than physical. As was discussed in the last post, heart intelligence affects many aspects of our well-being. Here are 9 tips for you to promote your Health, Wealth and Happiness! 1. Even though the brain does send signals to the heart, the heart has a system to selectively decide whether to…
Subtle Energy Flow is the Basis for Love, Safety and Security
We must attend to both our human and spiritual natures to be whole, healthy and happy
Burnout: How Can You Put Boundaries on Stress?
“Why is it that between 25 and 50 percent of people report feeling overwhelmed or burned out at work?
Healthy subtle energy: A Foundation for Health, Mental and Emotional Balance
Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River Our energy is always expanding or contracting, blocked or flowing. For a moment imagine a free flow of energy sweeping through you like a river that is free to flow through the landscape. Feel what it would be like to BE this river, at first meandering, then rushing…
Science, Emotion and Heart
This quick video clearly explains the link between heart and emotions….and why you should care!