Tag: Health
Letting Go of the Past to Move Forward
Letting go of the past with all its attendant feelings clears the way for change and the new to flow into our lives. Setting intentions or resolutions for the New Year often overlooks the importance of some introspection re: what we need or want to release that can easily trip up the best of intentions.…
Holiday Relationship Rescue: Four Tips for Managing Relationship Stress
Relationship Stress is a Serious Challenge During Holidays! Family get togethers, office parties, neighborhood gatherings—at this time of year we have so any opportunities for encountering the relationship dynamics that exist in our lives. At other times of the year they may be less apparent, more able to recede into the background or be avoided…
Holiday Self Care: Strategies to Reduce Stress and Increase Joy!
Do you wonder how to fit the holidays into an already full schedule? Do you wonder how you can make this a time for joy, togetherness, peace and happiness instead of one filled with deadlines, commitments, unmet expectations and heightened stress? This holiday you can give yourself the gift of creating a different experience! [caption…
Energy Flow and Chakras: Influence on Health, and Well- Being
This post talks about the various ways the aura is impacted by our life experience as well as how impaired auras and chakra affect our moods, thought process and physical well being. [caption id="attachment_13235" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Heart Chakra Energy Influences Everyday Life
Our heart energy is affected by all our experience not just the profound issues just mentioned so it is important to pay attention and be mindful about the activity involved and take steps to be more consciously in charge of this powerful energy.