Tag: Gratitude
A Reason to Believe and False Science
We want to believe certain positive life enhancing beliefs BUT we seem to need a reason to believe says Greg Braden. In this video he talks about two false scientific assumptions that affect all of us.
“2012: Time for Change”: Why and How?
There have been many prophecies concerning this year, 2012. If we go beyond the hype and hysteria to the deeper wisdom available to us in some of these messages then the way through this time is clear.
The Joy of Giving
We are living through an evolutionary shift in consciousness on this planet and giving to others is a simple way to contribute. Whatever you do, give from your heart and soul in ways that bring you joy. Energetically, Joy is a high vibration (higher than love, according to David Hawkins in his book Power vs.…
Heart Benefits
As we use a well developed heart focus to our world we bring calmness to emotional turmoil, and often spontaneously have realizations that lead to greater understanding, meaning, resolution or healing of problems. These realizations come easily, effortlessly and often lead in a new direction that is much more beneficial than if they had solely…
Are There Benefits of Gratitude?
It turns out that there are many benefits to feeling and expressing gratitude that extend beyond the momentary “feel good”. Studies have found that people who practice gratitude on a regular experience fewer physical aches and pains, have a stronger immune responses, tend toward lower blood pressure and get better sleep. In adddition, there are…
An Attitude of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude is a great way to create a healthier state of being and of feeling. Expressing gratitude for all of the blessings in your life big and small helps to attract more of them. Expressing gratitude puts your mind into a state of well being. When your mind is in a state of well…