Tag: Feng Shui
How to Navigate Change with Ease
Since we are in a season of change as well as a very intense time of change for the planet and mankind I am reprinting an older article that speaks to the stages of change. I hope the awareness of these stages is helpful as we all ride the waves of transformation. Ms. Chaos &…
Do You Experience Energy?
When any one energy center is disrupted or damaged, that aspect of the field’s frequency is affected resulting in a disturbance of energy. These disturbances can be transmitted to other layers of the field, causing them to malfunction as well. Disruptions cause the equivalent of leaks, improper flow, and obstruction of energy in what should…
How Intentions Affect Our Environment
This article discusses of how our minds, energy and intention affect the environment around us.
Energy, Feng Shui and Mother’s Day
Energy, Feng Shui and Mother’s Day One of the underlying aspects of feng shui is the energy associated with the position in the family. Since May is the month for Mother’s Day, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the area associated with “Mother.”
Has the Law of Attraction Been Rescinded?
Listen to Feng Shui Simplified and learn how the Law of Attraction functions now that we are in a new energetic atmosphere…and what you can do about it! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/center4fengshui/2011/04/03/feng-shui-simplified-coming-into-alignment-with-astrological-cycles
Feng Shui for Winter Blues!
The longer we stay in, however, the more withdrawn we become. The more withdrawn we become, the less energy we have. As we become less energized, depression may set in €¦ and the cycle goes on. If you find yourself with less energy or you’re not as happy or upbeat as you usually are, read…