Tag: fear

  • How Fearful Emotions Make  You Vulnerable to Deception

    How Fearful Emotions Make You Vulnerable to Deception

    Fearful emotions are not unknown to any of us. Understanding their powerful impact opens the door to freedom and change that empowers rather than weakens. This was recorded some time ago but the message is still meaningful. Dr. Lipton explains in a clear and concise way how fear affects the brain and makes us open…

  • Positive Energy: It’s More than a Thought

    Positive Energy: It’s More than a Thought

    We all want positive energy and preferably ALL the time! However we are human and have all kinds of feelings and experiences. This is normal and even advantageous. E.G. If you saw a truck barreling down on you, feeling fear would be appropriate and life saving in that it gave you the energy to get…

  • Healing Grief: Self Care is Critical in Stressful Times

    The times continue to be turbulent and difficult with awareness of the need for growth, change and transformation of ourselves and our world highlighted again and again. No matter where difficult feelings and stresses originate, we can all contribute to the larger picture, to our shared and connected future by beginning in our own corner…

  • 5 Tips for Staying Stress Free

    Here are some tips to set your energy up at the start of the day as well as to maintain it throughout the day. Your

  • Six Steps to Letting Go of fear

    We have a paradox in our culture…[caption id="attachment_16219" align="alignleft" width="250"] A Higher View by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Personal Power: Use it or Lose It!

    Mind Matters: How we use our minds affects every aspect of our lives so it seems reasonable and desirable to master ourselves at this level so we can be at cause in our lives rather than suffering effects! [caption id="attachment_16206" align="alignleft" width="234"] Mountain Goat by Sonia’s View[/caption]