Tag: fear
Transforming Fear, Anxiety and Stress: Approaches That Can Help
We encounter fear as a natural part of life. Sometimes our fears are small and easily managed, other times they are large and threaten to overwhelm us. Our fear can present as a very clear total body-mind reaction or it may cloak itself in anxiety or stress. During times of great change or challenge many…
Remedies for Anxiety and Stress: Centering and Grounding to Create Safety, Security and Stillness
Centering and Grounding Help Reduce Stress and Build ResilienceEmbodying our energy is important at anytime for our health and well-being. At this time in our lives it is even more critical as we deal with unprecedented amounts and types of stress. This video contains information about centering and grounding to explain why/how it is is…
How Grounding Helps with Uncertainty and Lessens Fear and Anxiety
Fear and Anxiety Are in the Collective Fear and anxiety may seem to be in the very air we breathe right now and understandably so. There are concrete things we can do to limit our own vulnerability as well as help protect others and slow down the spread of the pandemic. Thankfully the airwaves have…
How to Get to the Root of Stress, Fear and Anxiety
Root Chakra Health Influences Management of Fear, Stress and Anxiety Being able to get out of our heads and embody ourselves is a major way to reduce anxiety stress and fear. In our current situation being able to be calm and focused helps us to make good choices and do what we must without undue…
Afraid of Negative Emotions?
We typically classify emotions as positive or negative based on our experience of them. We like the feelings that are “positive”, we do not like the feelings that are “negative”. Our emotions are energy and by themselves are neither positive nor negative. What is more important than our value judgments on feelings is HOW we…