Tag: fear
Letting Go: How to Move Through Grief, Loss and Change with Greater Ease
What I have learned, working with my own issues as well as those of clients, is that there is also another level of awareness that can be helpful in this area. That level focuses on the energy dynamics that operate beneath the surface in the circumstances of our lives. If we understand those workings our…
How Can We Positively Manage the Stages of Change?
When we can learn to embrace change and allow ourselves to dance gracefully with it, we become more comfortable with ourselves and the world. We can even learn to invite change and enjoy rather than fear it!
How to Let Go of Anxiety and Master Change
The mind is awareness on a continuum. Think about it as a river that flows and your experience of it is a function of where you place your attention. Whatever area you focus on becomes reality for that time with all its attendant resources and ecology. If you focus on the portion of the river…
What You Need to Know to Effectively Cope with Fear
“Fear constitutes a much larger and more comprehensive presence than has yet been realized. Beginning in the nineteenth century, therapeutic psychology sought to identify the symptoms related to this phenomenon. The types of fear recognized included hysteria, behind which some trauma, real or imaged, was always to be found; shell shock or combat neurosis, now…