Taming the Modern Energy Vampire
A Modern Day Energy VampireThe modern day vampire is not a thief who comes in the night and drains our energy. These days the vampire is right out in front of us, on our desks, night stands, in our living rooms, pockets and pocketbooks. No capes, no fangs for a techno-vampire! A vampire can also…
Aura clearing and balancing: a technique for self care
Our aura or energy filed is connected to our nervous system. Our inside and outside environment are involved in a two way communication that we can read through our thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. In these intense times it is important to be aware of energetic sensitivity and do what we can to care for…
Energy, Empaths and Vampires: 9 Signs You May Be Vulnerable
How do you know if you are being drained of energy–here are nine signs that will help you discover where your weak spots are so you can protect yourself from energy vampires!
Is Your Energy Being Drained?
A major issue to be considered when we are looking at the issue of energy drains is our own boundaries. Vampires may cruise and look for energy, but there has to be an entry point for them to hook and deplete us. We all have life experience that makes us vulnerable…. [caption id="attachment_11092" align="alignleft" width="224"]…