Tag: Energy medicine
Tips for Improving Your Energy
Energy Medicine is gradually making its way into the mainstream. Reiki and Therapeutic Touch are being used in hospitals with increasing regularity. Other vibrational healing methods such as Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Massage, and Music Therapy are also being integrated into traditional medical settings. All these techniques have a common foundation: awareness that human beings are made…
A New View of Power Struggles
Power struggles happen in many areas of our lives. Greater clarity and access to helpful options comes through understanding the energetic underpinnings. Our power struggles come in many forms. If we begin to look at interchanges in terms of energy, they not only make more sense, but we then also have some simple and helpful…
Chakra Health, Stress and Well-Being
Chakra Health is Related to Mental, Emotional and Physical Function A foundation of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology as well as of the ancient health traditions of the East is the concept that the strength, flow and frequencies of your energy system influence your mental, emotional and physical states with chronic negative patterns resulting in…
Energy Flow and Chakras: Influence on Health, and Well- Being
This post talks about the various ways the aura is impacted by our life experience as well as how impaired auras and chakra affect our moods, thought process and physical well being. [caption id="attachment_13235" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Subtle Energy Flow is the Basis for Love, Safety and Security
We must attend to both our human and spiritual natures to be whole, healthy and happy
Energy Competency for Empaths and Sensitives
Energetic self-care for the busy holiday season and beyond! Energy Competency for Empaths and Sensitives Are You an Energy Sensitive or Empath? Would you like to have more energy and less fatigue? Learn how to protect yourself from energy drains of all types! In this 3 hour workshop you will learn: How to sense and…