Tag: Energy Healing
Heart Centered Gratitude Update
Update From Cindy Mattingly I am not sure how many of you saw the video that Karen Kallie and I did about a month ago. In the video Karen taught me a simple exercise from her upcoming workshop and I committed to do it for 30 days.It was very interesting to add something new to…
Consciousness: A Roadmap for inner peace, freedom of expression, and health.
A Roadmap of Consciousness Our personal energy system provides a roadmap for developing consciousness and accessing inner wisdom, healing, and truth. If we use it, we connect with deeper aspects of ourselves that offer inner peace, freedom of expression, and health. Learning how to navigate our personal energy systems deliver us into ease, harmony, and…
What Vibrational Healing Can Do for You
Balance…Bowls…and Biofeedback Have you ever wondered…What your energy field looks like? Would you like to see… The effect of singing bowls on your energy field and chakras? Are you curious about…What energy patterns you hold and how you can shift them? Real time Aura Imaging helps to answer all these questions and more! In this…
Why Healing Requires Letting Go
Healing and Unprocessed FeelingsThe title of this program, Letting go, the Heart of Healing refers to the fact that until we let go of old roles, programs and unprocessed emotions from our inner hard drives healing cannot really happen and nothing new can take root within to become a source of strength, power and freedom…
What do Judgement, Surrender and Acceptance Have to do With Energy?
Judgement, Surrender, Acceptance Point to Deep Aspects of Self Care Years ago my therapist spoke to me about “persistent kindness to the self”. At the time I understood the basic concept but REALLY did not grasp how it pertained to the deeper aspects of ourselves. As time went by it became apparent that to me…
What is the Relationship of Energy and Stress?
Our energy system is the primary way we interface with the world. Our field is affected first, then our nervous system comes into play transmitting our reaction through the rest of our systems…for good or ill So if we are aware and know how to manage energy then we are ahead of the game in…