Tag: Energy Healing
How Can You Recognize Resistance that Saps Energy and Adds to Stress?
This chart may help you become more aware of when you are resisting or flowing!
How Can Our Energy Systems Help to Cope with Personal and Societal Change ?
As we navigate times of change (that would be life!), it is helpful to know which of our core issues may be being triggered and in need of balancing/healing. The following chart gives you an idea of which issues reside in which energy center.
Coherence: Energy Patterns that Help to Release Stress and Improves Self Care
Bringing coherence to the energy patterns in the heart benefit our health, happiness and capacity to create a positive life experience. To create coherence, in addition to using techniques that focus on the heart’s energy, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. Since none of us are…
Transforming Fear, Anxiety and Stress: Approaches That Can Help
We encounter fear as a natural part of life. Sometimes our fears are small and easily managed, other times they are large and threaten to overwhelm us. Our fear can present as a very clear total body-mind reaction or it may cloak itself in anxiety or stress. During times of great change or challenge many…
Reboot Your Subconscious Mind for Health and Well-Being
Information regarding our internal state is always coming to us in many ways. Our physical, emotional and mental faculties are always giving clues about our energy and inner being as well as about people, places and things in our environment.