Tag: Emotional intelligence
Here Is A Method for Anti Aging, a Healthy Heart and Improved Immunity
Science and a Healthy Heart We now have a variety of simple, easy to use methods that contribute to a healthy heart, thanks to the fields of Neurocardiology, Psychoimmunology (Mind-Body) and Energy Psychology. The InstituteofHeartMath, a research institute in Boulder Creek,CA, has been a major contributor to this research and has helped to provide a…
Remove blocks to flow for health and well being
Flow exists but something gets in the way…[caption id="attachment_16126" align="alignleft" width="250"] Hang in There by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Simple Seasonal Attitude Adjustment!
One way to move out of a slump is to acknowledge your feelings, really feel them without holding on to them. Sometimes just letting feelings be, taking the label off, relaxing, breathing, letting go of resistance can be all that is needed. After all it is resistance that causes pain. This process of acknowledging your…
What is Spiritual By-Passing?
Well meaning attempts on our life path can actually be a form of denial that results in more problems for our health and well being. [caption id="attachment_14917" align="alignleft" width="250"] The Castle View – La Garde Adhemar Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Short Circuit Holiday Stress
The holiday season brings so many positive, happy and wonderful things, but as we all know there are also many opportunities for stress and the accompanying difficult emotions that can catch us off guard in spite of our best intentions. As with so many things in life we need to have an action plan!!