There is a stream of energy, a state of well-being, peace and love available to all of us. It is within our power to clear the obstacles to access and experience that stream. The gift for our efforts is the beauty and grace we come to know within ourselves and the quiet joy that is possible for our lives.
Being in the stream of energy has been described as being in a flow state.
This Flow exists, we all have felt it at one time or another, but something gets in the way of experiencing it more often.
Common Obstacles
Some common obstacles to experiencing a state of flow are physical ones. A good foundation that includes the right kinds of food, rest, exercise, air to breathe and proper breathing support the emergence of flow.
Beyond those things the greatest detriment to the proper energy flow and alignment is the functioning of our minds and the management of our emotions.
Being in charge of our mind is a lifelong challenge that requires commitment coupled with the tools to do the job! It does not need to be an arduous or daunting task if you become educated and adopt a light attitude with both the learning and doing.
Emotional Intelligence
We need the means to allow our emotions to have their voice, learn from them, and use techniques that release feelings from our systems so they do not get stuck and create repeating loops in our experience. Emotional intelligence requires two components, (1) the mental capacity to name and talk about feelings, and (2) methods that dissolve resistance, and release the feelings from the body.
Emotional intelligence is a central element to being both fully human (E.G. accepting our imperfections even as we seek to grow) and have a growing edge that includes increasing self- knowledge, grace and skill. As we commit to this kind of conscious living, everything becomes more manageable; we develop inner ease and cultivate happiness!
Creating flow in Mind-Body-Spirit
There are many ways to approach mastery of our mental and emotional selves. Much has been written about the various methods that address the management, transformation, and integration of our psychological selves.
What I would like to suggest here are two simple easy to use methods for you to try to create more flow in your bodymind and life.
(1)The first is to begin to ask yourself on a regular basis throughout your day if THIS (activity, thought, feeling) builds or depletes your energy. The “THIS” that you are asking the question about can be a mental process, an emotional pattern or a choice about a person, place or thing.
Asking this question helps to increase your self-awareness in regard to the choices you are making and thus helps to empower you to act more often on your own behalf rather than unconsciously giving your energy away.
(2)The other technique helps to develop the internal pathways in your brain and nervous system. Regularly give yourself 15-20 minutes to get comfortable, let go of body tension, establish a nice even flow of breath, relax as deeply as possible and imagine that you are gazing at a river that appears still as you view it. Gently ease into the river and let yourself float along with it. Experience the flow, and direction that the river is moving in. Continue to just be with this sensation flow immersing all of your senses in the experience. As you release fully into the experience you will begin to feel inner ease and peace developing as you release into the rhythm of the water. Stay as long as you like with this experience. Over time you will find that this pleasant exercise is installing a felt sense of flow deep within your core. Once you become accustomed to it you can tap back into it during the day as needed or wanted.
There is so much angst in the world. If we are to be part of the change we would like to see externally, we need to begin by creating a dynamic inner space of harmony from which to live. Once we establish this deep inner capacity of flow, strength, courage, and the ability to take conscious well thought out action can emerge naturally.
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