Tag: emotion
Negativity and Subtle Energy Competency: a New Approach
What is the best way to deal with negativity? [caption id="attachment_14513" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Pleasure Deficits: What You Need to Know About the Sacral Chakra
Pleasure Deficits and Awareness We are hardwired for pleasure and in fact need it for optimal health. So why do so many of us lack enough pleasure in our lives? There are many reasons: the pace of life, the need to keep up, accomplish, achieve, and to SURVIVE! As I think about the question it…
Root Chakra: Foundation of Physical and Psychological Health
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Imagine a funnel shaped vortex with the narrow end up inside the pelvis and the broad face of the funnel facing down toward the earth. This is the first chakra to become active after birth. It is the foundation of physical vitality and psychological…
Third Chakra: Personal Power and Freedom from Stress and Guilt
understanding each of the chakras and how they operate can facilitate releasing all that blocks the free expression of our deepest authentic nature
The human energy field (aura) is composed of chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy channels). Chakras are reservoirs of energy. Meridians disperse chakra energy throughout the body organ systems. Our auras are influenced by core beliefs, expectations, and judgments. The strength, flow, and frequencies of our energy systems influence our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual…
How Can Clarifying Feelings Helps You Navigate Change?
Here are some questions to help bring clarity to sacral chakra core issues.