Tag: emotion
Energy Imbalances and Building Healthy Relationships
Imbalances or distortions in our chakras and energy field lead to problems with our thoughts, feelings and actions. How we experience ourselves, life and others is mediated through our energy field first then travels to the nervous system and the rest of our body and mind.
How is Authenticity Reflected in Your Aura?
Last weekend I did a chakra workshop locally and had an experience that I would like to share with you as it illustrates the importance and value of understanding your personal energy and having the tools to be able to manage your energy effectively.
Grief Can be the First Step to Power that Heals
[caption id="attachment_15738" align="alignleft" width="320"] Reflection-LesAndelys[/caption] Paying attention to how we respond in times of grief, loss and tragedy helps us and the world!
Caregiver Burnout and the Power of Self Care
Caregiver Burnout is a Major Risk for Both the Professional and Personal Caregiver Caring for others, be it an elderly parent, a relative, a child, or a friend, is one of the highest forms of human service. However caring for others can mean that you set aside your desires and wishes for another day, a…
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy: 4 Tools for Change
Stress Reduction and Subtle Energy Competency are Central to Stress Responses Stress reduction and subtle energy competency begin with taking a look at our habitual patterns. We all have patterns that affect how we respond to stress and deplete our energy. These patterns are usually learned ways of protecting or defending ourselves,or ways we have…
Gratitude Blocks: Three Things You Need to Know
We all want to feel positive feelings and minimize or eliminate negative feelings. So why is it sometimes hard to shift out of difficult states and generate good feelings?[caption id="attachment_13891" align="alignleft" width="350"] Perception by Sonia’s View[/caption]