Tag: emotion
How can you clear and strengthen your energy field?
The Aura Mind-Body-Spirit Connection The human aura can be thought of as your primary immune system in that it is a primary way that you experience and interact with your environment. This is unconscious in most cases but nevertheless real. The human aura is made up varying frequencies that clairvoyants see as color. You do…
Abundant, Free Flowing, Coherent Energy: Antidote to Stress
Stress and the Flow of Energy When we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare us for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with…
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Secret to Personal Power
Cultivate positive Solar Plexus Energy to develop strength of an Uncommon Kind
Your Energy Field, Consciousness, Health and Self Care
Benefits Working directly with energy & consciousness provides you with an easier and more powerful method for change, health, development of higher level functions such as intuition, creativity and insight and achievement of goals [caption id="attachment_11374" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Stepping into Personal Power and Conscious Creation
Personal Power, Energy and Vibration To step into our own power, to be conscious creators of our lives, to bring forth our own best Self and birth our soul into the life we are given is a process of BECOMING. All that we desire for ourselves in life emerges from a state of BEING rather…
Energy Contractions: How Can You Effectively Release Pain and Resistance?
Energy contraction is our normal reaction to stress, distasteful or difficult experiences and physical and emotional pain. This is meant to be protective, however it tends to intensify our discomfort and pain. Energy contraction can be a default pattern that we learned early in life when we had few skills to protect ourselves. Unfortunately it can…