Tag: emotion
How Can Heart Intelligence Benefit Your Health and Well-being?
Activating genuine heart-based feelings of care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion creates coherent heart rhythms, and stimulates healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs.
Energy Healing, Well Being, Wisdom and Personal Power
A case study illustrating the effects of an energetic approach to physical and emoitonal issues, accessing intuition and engaging personal power.
Positive stress management: 5 simple steps for energy enhancement
Positive stress management and energy enhancement are beneficial for all of us but especially for those involved in high stress positions like care giving. Integrating these simple skills into your daily life will add to your energy, create a feeling of positive flow within and ultimately bring you more joy, peace and fulfillment than you…
How Can Caregivers Prevent An Energy Crisis?
Simple steps you can take to replenish your energy while caring for others. [caption id="attachment_13024" align="alignleft" width="256"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Grief: A Major Hidden Obstacle for New Years’ Resolutions
There are many reasons for change to be difficult, but today I would like to focus on one that most of [caption id="attachment_10958" align="alignleft" width="360"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Cultivating Inner Peace and Balance in the New Year
As we shift our awareness, we open ourselves to new ideas, ways of being and operating in our lives that enable us to become a greater source of healing, comfort, success, strength and love in the world. Demonstrating