Tag: consciousness
Gratitude, Appreciation, Heart and Health
We hear this same message regarding gratitude from many sectors: the spiritual, psychological, medical and scientific. Gratitude has been shown to be a powerful emotion that generates positive outcomes in health, well-being, and prayer as well as in the creation of reality.
What type of meditation is right for you?
Those of you who have been following this blog for some time know I have frequently spoken about the benefits of meditation as well as offered recordings that assist one to get started using inner technologies for the benefit of health and well being. Knowing about the details of the various types of meditation can…
The Secret to Connecting with the Authentic Self
To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center.
6 Questions to Assess Personal Power
Here are some questions that can help you assess where you are re: personal power–I find them helpful reminders to keep my on the path as well.
Personal Power…a Center for All Experience: Grief, Loss, Living and Loving
The term personal power means different things to different people. Here is a list that touches deeply into the notion of personal power beyond ordinary thought.