Tag: compassion
Heart and Mind: Making Peace with Conflicting Agendas and Goals
Below is a link to a nice article on abundance, compassion and the heart. It is often difficult to tease out the finer points of these issues in everyday life and relationships. This article presents a simple, clear understanding that can be applied to our lives.
Giving Back Enhances Energy for All
Recently I spent a week with my “sister from another mother” and her husband in Florida. My friends live in a very privileged community and have been there for 25 years. I have long known my friend’s generosity and service orientation —she is after all a retired therapist/social worker! But I was unaware of the…
Can Compassion Help Lower Crime?
Is there a link between compassion and crime? As I listened to an NPR story about the drop in violent crime for the fourth consecutive year, I wondered if this is a reflection of society becoming more community-oriented, compassionate, caring and kind. I see more and more evidence of this every day every day.
Important Conversations
As some of you are aware, over the past decade Tony, Peg and I have all been immersed in the experience of being caregivers for aging parents and relatives. These experiences have challenged us, stretched us to grow in unexpected ways and moved us deeply in terms of what it means to be a spiritual…
Great Reminder from the Dalai Lama
I believe this is part of the shift in consciousness that is underway for us all–realizing what is beneath all our outer seeking, needing, and wanting and making the inner changes to bring it about.
Self Care for the Caregiver
Our Living Energy radio show focus for February is Self Care for the Caregiver. February is a wonderful month to remind each of us to love ourselves and to take care of ourselves, particularly if you care for others. Monday we will be talking about The Care Giver Network. Some of the topics we will…