Tag: Color

  • Chakras–the Cliff Notes

    Chakras–the Cliff Notes

    Chakras–the Cliff Notes : how they operate and contribute in the creation and experience of our lives. A well developed energy system rests on a solid foundation of Root chakra energy that provides nourishment for the rest of the system. Flexibility is possible because there is an inner sense of safety and security. The second or Sacral…

  • Balance Intellect and Intuition

    Healthy Intuition: Balance Intellect and Intuition Healthy intuition requires a balance with intellect for stability.

  • Aura Video Imaging Showing the Chakras in Action

    In the last post we spoke about the chakra and aura and how they influence well being. This video presents a visual to see a well balanced aura with fluidity, complexity and flexibility. Not all auras are so well-balanced or responsive to a person’s “management”. This person had considerable experience with energy work and a…

  • Techniques for Strengthening Intuition

      [caption id="attachment_10668" align="alignleft" width="320"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption] If you find that the third eye chakra is not working as efficiently as you would like there are many ways to begin to “work” on it to enhance its function.