Tag: Codependency
Energy Imbalances and Building Healthy Relationships
Imbalances or distortions in our chakras and energy field lead to problems with our thoughts, feelings and actions. How we experience ourselves, life and others is mediated through our energy field first then travels to the nervous system and the rest of our body and mind.
6 Signs of Spiritual Bypassing
What are some signs of Spiritual By-Passing? [caption id="attachment_14921" align="alignleft" width="250"] View Through -Les Andelys Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Is Your Heart Chakra Balanced?
Having an open, healing heart requires you to objectively explore and release core wounds and pains. It includes learning what true forgiveness means€¦for others, but for yourself as well. These steps toward healing are what allow you to progress toward the qualities of unconditional love and compassion.