Tag: change
The Face of the Future?
This video is about an amazing young man—actually two, one the young inventor and the other his mentor. The story about what is being done for this young man is touching but even more than that is the fact that there is now a foundation (the info re: that is at the end of the…
2012, Inner and Outer Technology, Evolution, and You
A great interview with Greg Braden that discusses 2012, evolution, consciousness, meditation, quantum physics,emotion, inner and outer technology.
Carolyn Myss on Change and the Medical Renaissance
A very interesting commentary by Carolyn Myss on the shift in Medicine as well as change in general. As I listen to her, I am struck by how important it is to meet change with deeper, broader consciousness –one that functions above the level of our conscious mind and its fears.
“2012: Time for Change”: Why and How?
There have been many prophecies concerning this year, 2012. If we go beyond the hype and hysteria to the deeper wisdom available to us in some of these messages then the way through this time is clear.
Energy Unfolding
Nature’s graceful process displays the art of “unfoldment”. It instructs us in the art of pure being.