Tag: change
8 Steps for Resolutions That Stick
8 tips to help you make resolutions that fit for you and help to energize rather than stress you! [caption id="attachment_13982" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Decrease Inner Violence, Scattered Energy and Ineffectiveness
Here is a centering technique to help you get started with learning to sense and manage your energy. [caption id="attachment_13721" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Nipping Fear in the Bud
When it comes to addressing fear we need to have a holistic approach. Here are some tips on helping to eliminate fear from your life.
Ultimate Stress Management: Releasing Fear
What are the hidden ways that fear manifests in your life? Why is it important to have awareness regarding all the various ways that fear shows up in our body, mind and spirit?
How do Gratitude and Appreciation Affect Your Energy Field?
Akin to gratitude is appreciation, a quality often used in the HeartMath materials to speak about the feeling that generates positive shifts in physiology. [caption id="attachment_13287" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
What is You Relationship to Courage?
What is your relationship to courage? [caption id="attachment_13279" align="alignleft" width="250"] Cloister – Tournus Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]