Tag: Celiac plexus
6 Tips to Free Yourself from Energy Drains
6 Tips for Eliminating Energy Drains in Your Life suggests 6 ways to keep your energy strong and vibrant in the face of people, places and things that would normally drain your vitality. [caption id="attachment_13348" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Secret to Personal Power
Cultivate positive Solar Plexus Energy to develop strength of an Uncommon Kind
Third Chakra: Personal Power and Freedom from Stress and Guilt
understanding each of the chakras and how they operate can facilitate releasing all that blocks the free expression of our deepest authentic nature
Creativity and Change: 7 Powerful Steps for Success
The creative cycle is all about our ability to make things happen for ourselves. We create by default every day. If you are not completely happy with what you create by default, you can begin to create your life more consciously. Choose the experiences you would like to have and then put your creative cycle…
Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power, Courage and Change Part 1
Energy for change The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are governed by the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a major player in your capacity to change yourself and your situation in life.