Tag: Carl Jung
Change and New Year Resolutions: Fast or Slow? Stress-less Change
One of the greatest myths about facing our challenges, in my opinion, is that we should have all we need to cope immediately, or that there is something wrong with us if we cannot rise to challenging circumstances with grit and grace NOW!
Healing: Your Secret Ally
Proper alignment and attunement of the energies of body, mind and spirit provide us with a clear and present awareness. This awareness allows you to know what is good for you, as well as to attract to you those things that assist you to be happy and healthy.
Rekindle Your Energy!
Here are suggestions to begin to spark enthusiasm in your life: [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" class="zemanta-img"] Cropped version of File:Ruby slippers.JPG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
6 Signs of Spiritual Bypassing
What are some signs of Spiritual By-Passing? [caption id="attachment_14921" align="alignleft" width="250"] View Through -Les Andelys Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Clutter Clearing the Mind, Personal Power and En-Lightenment
As we clear the clutter from our energy systems there is more space and openness for ‘I AM’ consciousness to flow [caption id="attachment_14779" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Emotional Intelligence Builds Positive Energy Flow
Healthy expression of emotion allows you energy to flow, clears and strengthens your inner pathways and allows more space for your inner light to shine!