Tag: Caregiving
6 Tips to Free Yourself from Energy Drains
6 Tips for Eliminating Energy Drains in Your Life suggests 6 ways to keep your energy strong and vibrant in the face of people, places and things that would normally drain your vitality. [caption id="attachment_13348" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Laughter Opens and Charges Your Energy Field Helping to Reduce Stress
Laughter can be a wonderful aid in helping us to reduce stress. Here are some fun ways of thinking about serious issues from Swami Beyondananda “FUN-da-Mental Pointers” “1. Be a fundamentalist, make sure fun always comes before the mental. Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled. A laugh track has…
Caregiver Stress: 10Tips to Eliminate or Reduce its Effects
Caregiver stress is an inherent part of the task, but can be particularly problematic at the holidays. Caregiver stress originates from many different sources. There are of course many physical triggers but there are also other sources of stress that originate from within that may not be as readily apparent and therefore harder to remedy.…
Are You a Care Giver or an Enabler?
Care Giver Stress There are many sources of stress for the care giver. One that can be particularly confusing is that of boundaries in caring. When personal relationships and illness are involved the issue of boundaries can be very confusing even if you are well aware of what boundaries are and even good at them…
Emotional Intelligence: How Can it Improve Your Daily Life?
How are you impacting the field of energy around you today is the theme of this article. Techniques for shifting negativity and adopting amore positive internal “space” are suggested.
Change: Are you surviving or thriving? Mind-Body Practices Can Help
Change…it is a constant in life and if we are to thrive in life we need the appropriate means to to be clear, centered and balanced. If we are to be the best we can be in caring for other, s then we must be the best for ourselves first. These are stressful times! You…