Tag: Caregiver
Stress on Caregivers
Excerpted from: ‘Families on the Brink:’ Roundtable Discussion on How to Help Aging Relatives Martha Stewart, Virginia Morris Share Advice on Eldercare Issues Stress on Caregivers Resnick, of the Institute on Aging at the University of Pittsburgh, said the most telling statistic about U.S. caregivers was that they bear more than $200 billion a year…
CareGiver Corner Program – Staying Calm During Chaos and Crazy Times
Tues., October 4th radio program Listen to internet radio with CAREGIVER CORNER on Blog Talk Radio
CareGiver Corner Radio Show: Reducing Stress Through Compassion
What is compassion? How does a compassionate approach help reduce caregiver stress? As a caregiver, how can you open to the flow of healthy compassion? When does compassion become a problem? In other words, can you be too compassionate? Join the Living Energy Works team of Karen Kallie, Peg Donahue and Tony Pace for an…
Synchronicity and Caregiving?
What does synchronicity got to do with caregiving? Join us tomorrow, Monday, August 23, 2010 and find out! Listen to internet radio with CAREGIVER CORNER on Blog Talk Radio
Cultivating Creative Power Part II
You can make room for The Creative to develop within you by letting go of inferior habits and thoughts €¦ anything that doesn’t serve you or benefit your highest good. Such habits would include judgments about other people, careless words and thoughts, lack of compassion, intolerance, frantic actions and more. Cultivate integrity, goodness, patience and…
Caregiving as a Spiritual Journey
Caregiving contains many unique challenges. Viewing the experience as a spiritual journey can help to dissolve old, dysfunctional patterns and open you to a flow of positive energy, strength and wisdom. Join Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue as we talk about how the caregiving experience can be seen as a time of profound growth that…