You can make room for The Creative to develop within you by letting go of inferior habits and thoughts €¦ anything that doesn’t serve you or benefit your highest good. Such habits would include judgments about other people, careless words and thoughts, lack of compassion, intolerance, frantic actions and more. Cultivate integrity, goodness, patience and humbleness. Open yourself to help from others. Allow your High Powers to guide your actions. Change what you can about yourself and accept what “is.”
How do you make room for The Creative to accomplish this acceptance, or the letting go of that which no longer serves you whether it be old patterns of behavior, difficult emotions or repetitive thoughts?
East is meeting West once again as current research demonstrates the biology behind wise ancient advice! Scientists have studied the process that successful people use in this regard and have discovered that we can learn to set the stage for letting go through some fairly simple steps. The steps are simple however the changes that occur in the brain and throughout the body involve complex biochemistry. These changes not only involve a letting go and arrival at acceptance, they also improve health, enhance mood, open the door to creativity, increased learning, €˜out of the box’ thinking and boost productivity.
The beginning of this process involves stress! The stress may be imposed from outside or it may come about as you seek to solve a problem or resolve a situation. The stress may be useful in the beginning in some ways, but if left unaddressed it typically builds as resolution of your dilemma is not forthcoming. If this continues your physical and psychological well being are impaired.
You can intervene in the stress cycle in a healthy way by taking a break and engaging in an activity that will trigger more beneficial and helpful biochemistry that will lead to the solution to your problem as well as the aforementioned other positive changes.
What types of activities are helpful now? Something that takes you completely away from your habitual and familiar thoughts, feelings and ways of reacting is essential. It can be helpful to consciously be aware of all the information and facts etc regarding your stress but it is also helpful to engage another level of wisdom to enter and help you. This is done by shifting your state of mind and not continuing to actively resist or fight with the cause of your stress.
Repetitive activities that help to quiet the mind and body are the key. You may choose meditation, yoga, prayer, knitting, singing, housework, gardening, contemplating nature, conscious breathing, walking, biking or hiking. The important component is that these are changes that break the pattern you were in and focus your attention elsewhere.
What happens then is a series of intricate shifts within your biochemistry and neurology that sets the stage for an €˜AHA Experience’€¦. the resolution of your problem. The next step is a return to normal life with a heightened sense of well being.
The first time you practice this approach may not feel exactly like an enlightenment experience! Be assured however that with practice you will be strengthening pathways and laying the groundwork for new abilities to grow within you. Spiritual energy and great creative forces surround us at all times but we must do our part to become worthy partners in the co-creative dance.
Emotional Freedom Techniques is another great tool for removing the stress from your system and allowing greater states of relaxation, intuition and resolution to enter your awareness. In addition, imagery or inner child work focused on releasing past core issues are enormously helpful to open and release the fundamental roots of stress so that your inner space can be free and clear to allow more creative flow within you.
Remember, the fundamental creative power of the universe is unrestricted and available to all of us. We must have a way of connecting, aligning with it for it to benefit us. When we have a process to let go of the old and welcome the new creative flow can move more gracefully beyond stress and into a whole new way of being that is enlivening and life enhancing.
” We can also awaken ourselves with the intention to be more aware of the unconditional generosity of the life force that flows through us regardless of our circumstances.” From The Daily Om
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