Tag: Caregiver
Letting Go of the Past to Move Forward
Letting go of the past with all its attendant feelings clears the way for change and the new to flow into our lives. Setting intentions or resolutions for the New Year often overlooks the importance of some introspection re: what we need or want to release that can easily trip up the best of intentions.…
Caregiver Stress: 10Tips to Eliminate or Reduce its Effects
Caregiver stress is an inherent part of the task, but can be particularly problematic at the holidays. Caregiver stress originates from many different sources. There are of course many physical triggers but there are also other sources of stress that originate from within that may not be as readily apparent and therefore harder to remedy.…
Boundaries, Holidays and Energy Vampires:Staying Sane and Healthy
These are all very common reactions to having been vamporized.
How Can You Prevent Compassion Fatigue?
Compassion fatigue is a very real danger whether you are a personal or professional care-giver. I have been both…often at the same time and can vouch for the fact that deep self care is necessary if we are to maintain our ability to care effectively and compassionately. It is all too easy in an effort…
Are You a Care Giver or an Enabler?
Care Giver Stress There are many sources of stress for the care giver. One that can be particularly confusing is that of boundaries in caring. When personal relationships and illness are involved the issue of boundaries can be very confusing even if you are well aware of what boundaries are and even good at them…
Grief and Letting Go: 7 Steps for Regaining Peace and Balance
Grief and letting go are natural parts of the human experience and to be healthy and whole we need healthy methods of integrating them into our being. There is a tendency to associate grief and letting go with only death or other major loss. The truth is that we experience grief and loss in many…