Tag: breath
The Breath of Mindfulness
“There is a way of breathing that’s a shame and suffocation. And there’s another way of expiring, a love-breath that lets you open infinitely.” Rumi Proper breath promotes relaxationProper, relaxed breathing is the cornerstone in any inner awareness process. Improper breathing contributes to stress, anxiety and pain. Try it no by taking in a clear,…
Being in the Present Moment
Breath Breaks Can Reduce StressAn approach that can help you reboot your energy and gain greater clarity is to take time for a breath break several times a day. Taking time for a breath break, to meditate or practice an energy technique replenishes our energy so we can move through our day with greater ease and…
Simple Seasonal Attitude Adjustment!
One way to move out of a slump is to acknowledge your feelings, really feel them without holding on to them. Sometimes just letting feelings be, taking the label off, relaxing, breathing, letting go of resistance can be all that is needed. After all it is resistance that causes pain. This process of acknowledging your…
Are You Settling for Low Vitality? A Simple Free Energizer
It seems we all are looking for more energy these days trying to keep up with the pace of life, as well as to even have energy to do the things we enjoy that actually build energy. There is one simple, but often over looked technique that can give us a good foundation.