Tag: Awareness
Letting Go of Beliefs and Blocks to Success, Health and Happiness
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to change, or why you seem compelled to repeat behaviors that are not in your best interests or confused about why you feel what you do? The answers lie within our mind-body-spirit (energetic) imprinting.
Surrender: What Winter can Teach us About Stress and Self Care
Surrender is an emotional skill that most of us find difficult. Even when think we are surrendering there is often a subtle resistance within that is keeping underground conflict alive. Winter gives us an example and an opportunity to change this. We can consciously choose to view this time of year as a teacher to…
How Can Caregivers Prevent An Energy Crisis?
Simple steps you can take to replenish your energy while caring for others. [caption id="attachment_13024" align="alignleft" width="256"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Positive Change: 4 New Approaches for the New Year
Positive change and growth happen more fluidly and positively in an environment of openness/spaciousness. In that environment energy can flow freely and be focused on the good things you wish to bring into being. It can be helpful to think about energy being influenced toward expansion or contraction by your choices. Those things that contribute…
Change and New Year Resolutions: Fast or Slow? Stress-less Change
One of the greatest myths about facing our challenges, in my opinion, is that we should have all we need to cope immediately, or that there is something wrong with us if we cannot rise to challenging circumstances with grit and grace NOW!
How can you feel joy in the midst of holiday stress?
Holiday stress or holiday joy? The holidays are about JOY. Or are they? How do you cultivate joy when you are, worn down and perhaps under-appreciated? How can you feel joy if you have been unemployed for much longer than anticipated? How can you be joyful when there is so much stress, strife and negativity…