Tag: Awareness
Five Tips to Decrease Stress and Increase Happiness
Subtle Energy, Stress and Negativity The state of our subtle energy is reflected in how we think, feel and act. Awareness of the state of our subtle energy and pro-active steps to re-balance it can effectively help us manage our tensions, mood and physical well-being. Effect of Subtle Energy Disruptions When we are stressed, tired…
How can you use affirmations successfully for change?
Affirmations are a common technique used to try to create change. Before using them however, there are some things to consider in order for your efforts to be successful.
Heart Energy and Stress: What’s Love got to Do With it?
Most people have an awareness that stress affects the heart. There is however less awareness of how this actually occurs. Changes Happen in our energy field first in response to life events and interactions. The energetic changes travel from the energy system into the nervous, circulatory and hormonal systems where physical imbalances begin to occur.
How to Bring Inner Peace to Your Overstimulated Mind
Inner peace requires new learning. We cannot simply wish for a quieter mind. We must recondition its natural tendencies to open to our higher mind where true freedom, peace and happiness live! The mind is a great servant but a terrible master to paraphrase Robin Sharma. Our minds are always working. The busy part of…
A Map of Transformation from IONS
The article below from IONS includes an interesting diagram showing the paths and “pitfalls” found along the way of spiritual trans formative paths. The people studied followed many different roads to transformation. It is my belief that a path that offers a combination of energy, psychology, and spirituality offers a path that is more likely…
The Secret to Reliable Core Strength and Vitality: Facing Change
Where can we tap into core strength and maintain calm and vitality during times of change as well as to have a firm foundation of safety, security and self care to live from? Learning to manage our energy and live from an expanded consciousness provided by our field of higher awareness lays the groundwork for…