Tag: Anxiety
Why a Gratitude Practice Can Be a Powerful Aid in Self Care
Gratitude, genuine care, love, appreciation and compassion, all heart based feelings, create coherent heart rhythms which have a profound effect on the health of our minds and bodies. It is easy in busy or very stressful times to put off caring for ourselves. A gratitude practice is simple and can be easily integrated into our…
How to Let Go of Anxiety and Master Change
The mind is awareness on a continuum. Think about it as a river that flows and your experience of it is a function of where you place your attention. Whatever area you focus on becomes reality for that time with all its attendant resources and ecology. If you focus on the portion of the river…
What You Need to Know to Effectively Cope with Fear
“Fear constitutes a much larger and more comprehensive presence than has yet been realized. Beginning in the nineteenth century, therapeutic psychology sought to identify the symptoms related to this phenomenon. The types of fear recognized included hysteria, behind which some trauma, real or imaged, was always to be found; shell shock or combat neurosis, now…
What you can do to reduce stress and release anxiety
These are stressful times. You may feel that everywhere we look there seems to be one more reason to feel tense, upset, frenzied or anxious. These are truly momentous times with many transitions and changes as the future careens toward us. That being the case it is more important than ever to have the means…
7 Steps to Deal with Grief, Stress and Loss
Grief and loss: unwanted but natural During this time of the Covid 19 crisis there are many feelings arising naturally. One are that may not be immediately apparent is grief. Our way of life, jobs, community interaction, patterns of daily living, and so much more has been disrupted. Within these very necessary changes are a…
Navigating Stress and Fear in Uncertain Times: The Gift and the Challenge
Join Us in Conversation …Tony Pace and Karen Kallie A Conversation to help manage Stress in these Times of Uncertainty Zoom Meeting (to join see details below)Monday 23, 2020 @ 4PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Connection, support and creativity are important contributors to mental, physical and emotional health and well being in any time. In…