Tag: Anahata
What is You Relationship to Courage?
What is your relationship to courage? [caption id="attachment_13279" align="alignleft" width="250"] Cloister – Tournus Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Subtle Energy Provides New Tools for Self-Care
We all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. People called clairvoyants are especially gifted with the ability to see subtle energy. And while it appears to be specific to them, the truth is we all possess this ability. It can be developed by anyone who takes the time to learn the…
A Fun Way to Attune Your Energy Field
This article from the Daily Om discusses how singing benefits your aura. [caption id="attachment_13084" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Spring Cleaning for the Mind: Clearing the Clutter of Old Beliefs
As we work with the subconscious, there are several key points to bear in mind:
Wanna Get Happy?
I find it fascinating that Pharrell Williams describes the notes and chords in this piece of music as predominately red, orange with a tinge of pink and yellow. These are the frequencies of the 1st (root), 2cd (sacral) and 3rd (solar plexus). [caption id="attachment_11046" align="alignleft" width="223"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Valentine’s Day, Love and Olympic Gold
As I watched the Parade of Nations during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics I was struck by a passing comment from one of the athletes. [caption id="attachment_11429" align="alignleft" width="420"] Matchless Mine by Sonia’s View[/caption]