Tag: Alternative
The Secret of Energy Management
Living Energy€¦.we are€¦.all the time. We are infused with energy and it keeps us alive, moving, thinking, feeling but we also organize it into patterns that swirl around us, impact others and communicate with larger energies of the cosmos.
Are You Free of the Past?
However, it is not enough to know that we are spiritual/energetic beings. We need to understand what it is specifically that deters us from living fully from that perspective.
Why Energy Healing?
What I found in Mind-Body Medicine and Energy Healing (from many sources) was the means to heal from the inside out with relative ease. I also found a way to understand ourselves and engage in spiritual growth and higher human potential that cut through the incessant dialogue that tends to describe, catalogue, organize, and package…
Energy Healing Connects You to Your Intuition, Wisdom and Personal Power
In the last post we talked about personal power. Here is an example of how energetic techniques can help move you into a place of personal power and higher wisdom.
Mindfulness Meditation Arrives in Congress!
Mindfulness meditation is both preventative as well as a method that facilitates healing. In this video Congressman Ryan speaks about the benefit that this technique could have in many areas of our society.
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing
Letting Go: The Heart of Healing Are these words familiar? “I know I should let go. I just don’t know how.” But whoever taught you HOW to Let Go?