Tag: acceptance
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety in times of Uncertainty
The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that shifts our default patterns, was a doorway to freedom for me.
How Can Surrender and Acceptance Reduce Stress?
Surrender and Acceptance are Stress Reducers SURRENDER. In our culture this word is loaded with negative connotations, such as giving up, wimping out, being weak, unable to cut it. However, surrender in a psycho spiritual sense is a deep feeling of letting go of the reactive struggle and conflict we feel when faced with something…
Turning Concepts into Reality
Excerpt From Ch 8 12 Keys for Life and Self MasteryNow available as pdf download APPLYING ALCHEMY Turning Concepts into Reality Power is in Being … not in knowing. This is an important key concept for creating. We have said before that conceptual knowledge is not enough to turn desire into reality; intellectual understanding is…
What do Judgement, Surrender and Acceptance Have to do With Energy?
Judgement, Surrender, Acceptance Point to Deep Aspects of Self Care Years ago my therapist spoke to me about “persistent kindness to the self”. At the time I understood the basic concept but REALLY did not grasp how it pertained to the deeper aspects of ourselves. As time went by it became apparent that to me…
How Acceptance Can Reduce Stress for Caregivers
If we can truly open to a sense of acceptance we can remain engaged in life without uselessly forcing our own agenda. Instead of using precious energy to resist or fight in vain, we remain open to many more possible and potent outcomes. It is truly amazing to watch what happens when you truly embrace…
How Can Caregivers Prevent An Energy Crisis?
Simple steps you can take to replenish your energy while caring for others. [caption id="attachment_13024" align="alignleft" width="256"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]