Subtle Energy Techniques Speed Healing

Subtle Energy Techniques that integrate mind, body and spirit speed healing. These techniques also build in new strengths through the healing process. Subtle Energy Techniques are not used just for healing. They are also great methods for reducing and managing the normal ups and downs life.  Using these approaches helps to maintain a level of inner balance and ease that allows for greater engagement and enjoyment of life and living.

Subtle Energy Techniques Require Centering and Grounding

In order to effectively be able to strengthen and manage our energy in positive and healthy ways we need to first be in touch with it. Whether we are talking about healthy boundaries, letting go of old patterns and wounds, or interfacing with the world and others, to be in touch with our energy requires some degree of being embodied in order to really affect and shift our energy.

In the western world we are conditioned from early in life to live more from our heads than from our internal center. In addition to that conditioning, there is a natural tendency to leave our bodies as a means of protection especially when coping with overwhelming stress. As young children our energy and nervous systems are developing and not equipped to handle adult stresses. Consequently we can become overwhelmed and have our developing system compromised. Leaving our bodies is one way to protect ourselves. However this creates problems that need reversing as we encounter life as adults.

Typically in childhood a pattern is established for how we will respond to stress in general in the future.This may happen with a big trauma or with repetitive chronic stress within the family. We can get stuck at an earlier stage of development and so not have the resources to respond to stress or discomfort in a healthy way as an adult.
Along with the compromise to our system there is also a package of memory ( thought/feeling/belief ) regarding earlier stressful experiences if we were not able to complete or process the event. We may not be aware of this but it nevertheless colors and shapes our perceptions and responses in the present. It is just the way we work! The good news is we can change it!

Subtle Energy Techniques Fast Track Emotional Healing

Once we decide we want cope in more positive ways,  the feelings that have not been processed completely can create discomfort or even fear and discourage us from becoming more centered and settled inside our own body-mind.

We are fortunate to live in a time when we know so much about healing energetically and letting go of painful material. We now have tools and techniques that can help us release much more quickly, easily and completely than we may have imagined. We do not have to be overwhelmed or re-experience previous traumas. Healing becomes a process of releasing the past and arriving more fully into present time where we can claim our strength, health and happiness.

Building in new circuitry that provides strength, courage and soothing is important to any healing process. One of the first skills we can learn to help with this   is centering and grounding. Centering and grounding help to rewire our energy/nervous systems so we can feel secure, safe and soothed as we go through our process. The benefits of centering and grounding go far beyond our time of healing. They are wonderful skills that form a firm foundation for dealing with any stress in a healthy way.

Here is a seven minute guided process that will help you begin to settle down inside, release old stresses and open up new channels of energy.