Sound, Health and Creation

An intriguing look at the effects of sound.

Some questions that come up after pondering the power of sound for me are:

What sounds are in your life affecting you everyday?

How can you bring more harmonious sound into daily life?

What sounds would be best to eliminate when possible?

How can you maximize the effects of sound in your life?


One response to “Sound, Health and Creation”

  1. Earlier today I was feeling vibrations from sounds in my neighborhood. I checked to see if I could find the source of the sounds but didn’t find them. They weren’t good or bad, positive or negative, they were just there. I was conscious of them and I could feel them. Then I watched the video Karen posted. What a coincidence that is is about sound!

    I feel that sounds that raise our human vibration and that of the planet could be the most helpful. It seems to me that high vibration sounds contribute to lighter moods, less stress, more cooperation and better health.

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