Solar Plexus Chakra and the Secret to Personal Power

A strong Solar Plexus Chakra allows one to to remain calm even if all about you flail in a brilliant display of scattered, ineffective power! It is easy to get our knickers in a knot over so many events in our daily personal lives, not to mention the news, until we integrate an ability to let go, cultivate inner strength and courage that can lead to balance, peace, and tolerance.

Cultivate positive Solar Plexus Energy to develop strength of an Uncommon Kind

Solar Plexus Chakra and Psychological Sphere of Influence

Core of personality, center of self responsibility, self-esteem

Strong influence how we relate to world (people, places, things)
A strong solar plexus chakra aids greatly in management of stress.
A strong Solar Plexus Chakra allows you to sit peacefully within self without the need to put others down or forcefully try to change them.

Rejection, criticism, having secrets discovered, failure of self-responsibility, reliving pain of separation

Ambition, action, risk-taking, generosity, ability for interpersonal connection, capacity for long-term commitments

Able to experience contentment, trust, calm; Love of home, family, country; Healthy self-esteem, ethics, personal will

Common Signs of Malfunction in Solar Plexus Chakra

Excessive Energy

Inability to slow down, Need to be in control, Stomach ulcers, Excessive weight (in middle)

Deficient Energy

Timidity; Addiction to stimulants, Submissive; Digestive difficulties, Energy prevented from flowing upward

Experience of self in conscious mind only, Impaired ability to expand into higher consciousness

Today in our world there is an abundant display of weak personal power… bullying, striving for perfection (looks, performance, accomplishment), projection of false images to cover inner weakness and lack, incessant pursuit of exterior change. Learning how to settle into our own authentic self with its essential power is an antidote to fear and a lack of personal power. Once we are at ease within our own skin,  our true selves, then our role in the larger world comes clear and becomes effortless…and there is no need for a clipboard, megaphone or defensive behaviors.

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