Solar Plexus Chakra, self esteem, and boundaries
Psychologically, our sense of self, our personal integrity, esteem, and worth rest in the solar plexus.
The energy/vibration we hold regarding our sense of self influences our capacity to set strong, firm, yet flexible boundaries. The lower centers set the stage for boundary keeping, but it is the third chakra that holds the capacity to set those boundaries in the world.
Excess energy, insensitivity, aggressiveness and control
Imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can lead to a need to manipulate and control others. An excess of energy here results in insensitivity to others, burn out, and perhaps intolerance to those with less energy. Other issues that arise with excessive energy here are: tendencies toward being judgmental, aggressive, and perfectionistic. Vanity and pride are also very real possibilities, as are hatred and anger. These qualities may be openly expressed or they may be repressed.
Deficient energy, depression, indecisiveness, fear of rejection
A deficit of energy in the solar plexus results in emotional neediness and attention seeking, as well as difficulty putting ideas into action. There may also be a fear of rejection, indecisiveness, lack of confidence, and a poor self-image. It is not hard to see that this lack of energy can contribute to depression. When this center is weak, there is a tendency to be very vulnerable to the ideas, thoughts, and opinions of others.
Balance, confidence and vitality
When the energy of the solar plexus chakra flows smoothly and is balanced we feel inner confidence and vitality. We have an awareness of our uniqueness and value. People respond to our energy and respect our integrity. A strong third chakra generates a sense of personal worth and power that helps us to avoid excess and respect boundaries.
There is a capacity for enjoying a challenge without becoming a workaholic. You are able to set goals based on your desires and act to manifest them in the world. You have leadership qualities and are an innovator without being overbearing or controlling with others.
Your immunity is strong, you manage anger well, and, though you have energy to take action in the world, you can also be peaceful and still.
Healthy balanced third chakra energy facilitates spontaneity, openness, and lets energy move freely up into the heart chakra. With channels open to the lower chakras from the solar plexus there is a sense of being grounded and an ability to go with the flow.
Solar Plexus Chakra, presence, individuality, and self knowledge
The solar plexus is the seat of the I AM presence. How would you fill in a blank space after I AM? First natural thoughts may be about your roles, qualities or accomplishments and it is important to have that kind of self knowledge.
However the I AM presence is more than that. It is a sense of knowing beyond words and concepts regarding your individuality, essence, and uniqueness. This knowing shows up as a calm and powerful presence.
Nature provides us with unlimited examples of what it means and looks like to be a unique expression of the life force. How does an oak tree, a rose, or the ocean respond to questions, thoughts, or feelings regarding its individuality? They have no questions about how to be, no insecurities regarding how to express their uniqueness.
We do not create individuality. It exists beneath all the false aspects the ego has constructed to help us survive, stay safe, belong, and get what we believe we need in the world. To uncover our uniqueness, we can use our ability for self-reflection to identify all that obstructs its healthy flow and arrive at a deep self acceptance..
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