energy fields

Sensing Subtle Energy Fields: Powerful Feedback For You

Sensing subtle energy fields is a skill that can be learned. One of the simplest ways is to begin to notice energy is to observe its effects as reflected in normal everyday events.

Sensing Subtle Energy Fields in Everyday Interactions
Are the people you meet friendly?
How do you get treated in stores by clerks?
Do you always run into the worst traffic?
Is it easy for you to find what you want or need?
Does chaos follow you?
Are you always feeling stressed?

The state of our energy is deeply bound up with our deeper thoughts, feelings, limiting beliefs and unresolved issues.  However, every detail that shows up externally is not  saying something about your inner state. BUT a lot of what happens on a daily basis does offer clues to the state of our energy. It is up to us to be as clear and honest as possible in interpreting this feedback.

Understanding allows us to begin to take charge of ourselves and shift our experience.

Sensing Energy Fields Brings Clarity
Looking more deeply at your inner landscape helps to get clear on what is and is not an issue. Begin to read the environment and use discernment to see what is there for you in terms of information.

We often pick up clouds of feeling from others and become confused as to what is truly ours. We also have some misperceptions formed over a lifetime that may not be useful.
As you ask different questions, observe the ebb and flow of events. This begins a process of deep self knowledge that leads to greater consciousness, authenticity and opening to your essential self.

In terms of feedback directly from others…this may be enlightening but a balance needs to be struck. On one hand, others have a vantage point that you do not have. On the other hand, they can have their own agendas, projections and unresolved material that may be coloring their feedback to you.Since we are human, everything is filtered through our perspective and the perspectives of everyone around us.

Wisdom and self empowerment grow as we sift and sort through feedback to come to the best  possible truth  at any given moment.

We have many ways for sensing subtle energy fields in our lives. Developing this sense we develop self mastery and are able to shift toward positive well being. One of the simplest ways to begin to broaden energy awareness is to notice what is showing up day to day.

A light heart, an open mind, and a playful spirit help to embrace these sources of self knowledge. Over time you can become more masterful sensing subtle energy.
Ultimately this skill contributes to physical and emotional health and makes life more interesting, flowing, happy, rewarding and fun!