
Root Chakra Energy and Reaction to Current Events

Root Chakra Energy Gets Triggered in Times of Change
As the turmoil in the world continues many are finding the daily stress levels to be increasingly difficult to manage. It can be helpful to not only have good self-care methods in place, but to also be aware of what unresolved personal issues are being triggered. For instance, the latest events on the country’s border (aside from generic issues around values and humanity) could trigger personal unprocessed energies of abandonment and trauma.

Root Chakra Energy Sets the Tone for Later Reactivity
Trauma, family stress, and a lack of appropriate or “good enough” nurturing during the first few years of life can unbalance root chakra energies. These experiences occur before we have language or reason. As a result, we may carry anxieties and fears about issues of safety, belonging or abandonment that are hard to understand (and hard to remedy through talking). Addressing those issues through some form of energy work goes to where the problem lives and speaks in a language that is effective in facilitating healing.

Later in life imbalances in the root chakra can be triggered by losses or upsets; for example, loss of a person, job, or living situation. Even a small and seemingly insignificant loss can awaken the stored unprocessed feelings of an earlier time. Any change in life tends to reactivate this chakra and its encoded perceptions around safety, security, and belonging, but that is magnified if there are early unprocessed emotions.

Healing Root Chakra Energy Supports Stability, Security and Belonging
It is safe to say that most of us have had some circumstance that left its mark on our ability to feel totally safe, secure, and that we belong in the world. To have some vulnerability in these areas seems to be part of the human condition. We can bring any of these types of issues to consciousness and address, and heal them. If we do not do so, they rock around inside as defenses, heavy layers of repression, or ongoing struggles to be dealt with unceasingly.

Excerpted from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras
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