
Resistance: A Model for Flowing Through Change

Resistance to change is responsible for a great deal of the pain we experience when moving through any type of transition or major life change. Resistance to change, pain or discomfort of any kind is natural and understandable. However we can learn to flow with change and/or release resistance to pain. This releases a lot of stress and infuses our lives with a lot more ease.

Knowing how to release resistance requires willingness, learning and practice but the relief from pain and suffering is worth it!I came across this idea long ago and it took some time to truly integrate the principles and practices required, but once I did they became self re-enforcing, pleasurable and energizing.

Nature, Resistance, Growth and Change
Nature’s  provides us with an example of graceful lack of resistance to growth and change. Nature has much to teach, but this may be its best and deepest teaching.

 A seedling, the beginning of form, holds the promise of what is to come…just as we hold the core of our unique and authentic selves.

The life force of the seed does not fret about any stage of its process. It does not wonder how it looks. It is not concerned about what obstacles may be encountered in its journey forward. It seemingly accepts whatever each phase of growth requires whether it is peaceful or chaotic. It does not seem to care or be impatient regarding how long the process will take until it blossoms into final form. It simply flows along in its process toward full expression of its nature.
For us this flow requires learning to adopt a means of letting go of whatever judgements, inner conflicts or criticisms that arise.

In nature new life gracefully moves along, at times moving rapidly, at times moving so slowly it almost appears as though growth has ceased. At all times however it unabashedly takes/receives what it needs from the sky, the earth, the wind and rain. They in turn generously provide what they do as they are simply and naturally being themselves. No judgments or comparisions here about how they are not good enough or are not keeping up with each other or trying to steal one another’s thunder!

Resistance, Process and Maturity
This process of new life unfolding embraces many stages.
In none of these stages does the seed weigh or measure its progress, bemoan its fate or wish to be something different than it is. The seedling does not seem to worry that it is not deserving of the sunlight, that it is not good enough to drink the rain. All phases and transitions are simply part of the journey to its natural full expression. The tiny life form takes what it needs, adapts to shifts in environmental changes and perseveres. There is no resistance to any part. It simply moves along according to its own blueprint … steadily onward toward what it will become…ITS SELF.

The seed travels onward to ripeness when its mature fruit easily and freely drops to earth in a willingness to change yet again— the life cycle continuously renewing.

We are of course different than Nature in that we have a different consciousness. We have a mind that is filled with beliefs, preferences and judgment. Nature does not appear to have those challenges to face as far as we can tell! So we do have a more complex task as we approach growth and change. In spite of that we can take the feeling (energy) of flow that nature demonstrates and combine it with our conscious choice to release obstacles and grow toward our full expression.

We can exercise conscious intention and tap our capacity to engage growth, change and transition with greater flow grace and ease.

What is required?
Expanding our consciousness, learning to be energetically and emotionally intelligent, adopting practices that allow us to let go of stress, worry, fear and judgement from deep within our systems all help us to grow and change in the same graceful and beautiful way as nature.  Less pain more gain!

 What step (s) can you take to learn to flow through change more easily?