Becoming more heart-focused in everything we do is one of the most effective things to not only reduce stress but also to begin to open to higher awareness. Truly living from the heart also helps to improve health, enhance relationships and develop greater creativity, problem solving and intuition. Becoming more heart focused not only benefits ourselves, but also everyone we come in contact with.
How to enter your heart
To begin to become more heart centered, tune into your breath, and feel as though you can flow your breath in and out through the center of your chest, your heart space. Practice being absorbed in that experience or sensation. Create a sense of ease and flow through this part of your body and let your mind rest in feelings of openness and spaciousness. Feeling gratitude or appreciation flowing with your breath can help ground you more deeply in this experience. As you do this let yourself observe and directly experience people. places and things without judgment.
As you begin to play with this different point of view, your monkey-mind will of continue to throw up thoughts, judgments and its running commentary on the state of things! It is just what it does. Don’t try to suppress thought—it won’t work–simply remove your attention from a mental focus and return to the more open free flowing sensation of resting in your heart.

Minding the Monkey
As you practice being centered in your heart, over time you will discover that your stress level diminishes,your attitudes begin to shift, and your overall experience of life deepens in a satisfying way. In addition, you will also notice changes in those around you and how they respond to you! Magic!
When we learn to live more from our hearts, judgment is replaced by understanding and compassion. Rather than feeling that we or others are right or wrong, we begin to understand perspective, how it forms and how seeing through a lens of right or wrong, good or bad keeps us locked in struggle. We begin to see our way out of that prison and find our way to freedom.
When your actions are heart-based you are operating outside the mind and outside the ego. You begin to live and act out of a deep inner sense of love. This is more a state of being than a feeling of sentimentality, romance or attachment. It is a space you uncover, discover, and learn to live from independent of externals. Developing this way of being can help move you on toward enlightenment one human step at a time.
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