An Effective Gratitude Practice

Colors of the Heart by Sonia's View
Colors of the Heart by Sonia’s View

Practicing feeling gratitude opens the deepest doors of your heart so a deeper resonance can emerge, rippling out to touch every facet of your existence.

Activating genuine heart-based feelings of care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion creates coherent heart rhythms, and stimulates healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs. In addition, brain function improves, production of stress hormones decreases, anti-aging factors increase, immunity is enhanced and well being is experienced all the way down to the cellular level! It’s up to you; you can trigger all these effects at will! What’s not to love about that?

Excerpted from Engaging the Flow # 7 of 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery

This downloadable one hour program includes the science of positively engaging your heart and its effects as well as practices to get the most from an attitude of gratitude!

Find the download and more information here: