personal power

Stepping into Personal Power and Conscious Creation

Personal Power, Energy and Vibration
To step into our own power, to be conscious creators of our lives, to bring forth our own best Self and birth our soul into the life we are given is a process of BECOMING. All that we desire for ourselves in life emerges from a state of BEING rather than a condition of KNOWING. This involves embodying our energy which IS our personal power.

We must become that which we seek! Our energy needs to shift to match and support what we desire to bring into our lives. Our vibration needs to come “up tone” if we are to draw our soul into more conscious awareness and expression in the world. There are many ways to develop our energetic signature and embrace our personal power. What is required is a combination of techniques that enhance and strengthen energy with ones that remove blocks within our systems.

Memories and Habitual Emotional Tone can Impede Personal Power
Your innermost being holds all your memories. You vibrate according to the emotional tone you hold inside. This may not be the emotional tone that is in conscious awareness. It is imperative to know how to let all emotions move fluidly and easily through your system and not repress them or get stuck in endless emotional loops. Emotional intelligence is a major factor in the health of your energy system and thus in your capacity to create the life you desire.

Surrender, Acceptance and Letting Go Enhance Personal Power
Working with the qualities of surrender and acceptance and learning to release regrets and judgments can help you develop and maintain a strong energetic signature.

Surrender helps to free up deep feelings of struggle and conflict. Surrender helps to bring your heart into coherence through the generation of inner peace.

Acceptance of the way things ARE, even as you hold the awareness that you wish for change, enables you to move beyond patterns of resistance and brings more peace to your heart.


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