Open Heart = More Energy

From 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery
The four concepts we have been discussing €“ the magic of surrender, developing an attitude of acceptance, letting go of regrets and suspending judgment €“ are all interconnected. Recognize that when you experience regret or when you judge others, you are blocking access to your energy, weakening it so you do not have all your creative power to bring to the expression of your full potential.

Opening your heart energy through surrender and acceptance is a sign of strength. Opening your heart helps create coherent energy. Practicing the grounding exercises we have been doing helps you to settle down and go deep inside, more quickly. The grounding exercises, combined with breathing from the inside out, provide a sense of safety and stability €¦ a sense of inner connection to your Self that allows for an easier opening of the heart. Turning each of these concepts into reality can be done through practice.

We each attract the situations we experience into our lives. So choose the experiences you prefer to attract and practice bringing them into your energy fields. The exercises at the end of this chapter are an excellent place to start.