
Negativity and Subtle Energy Competency: a New Approach

Negativity, Unconsciousness and Subtle Energy Awareness
As we become more aware of energy and how it operates in our world we are becoming more conscious of how people, places and things affect us.

If we are tuned into what is happening energetically (E.G. subtle energy awareness is beyond our thoughts about a situation) we move out of unconsciousness and into a place where we have the power to make choices that truly serve us ….and the other…from a truly informed perspective.Unconsciousness regarding this level of interaction keeps us in old reactive patterns and can be quite detrimental to us if left unchecked.

Awareness of the subtle energy in any situation is closer to the truth of things than our conscious thoughts or beliefs. Awareness and understanding of energy and how to manage it ( “subtle energy competency”) prevents unconscious default patterns from taking hold and allows us to maintain a strong field even in challenging circumstances.

Negativity, Vibration and :Taking charge of your energy
Our energy fields are the most rapid of all our processes and are already reacting before we become aware of a thought or feeling.
We tend to synch with each other through a process called harmonic induction or entrainment. That is to say that the rate of vibration in our field affects others and vice versa. A stronger field will induce change in a weaker one regardless of the simple desire to be positive.
We all know people we like to be around because they calm or energize us. We also have people that we have difficulty being around as they bring our vibration into a range that is uncomfortable for us. (This discomfort is not always because of negativity, it can be simply a matter of vibrating at frequencies that are very dissimilar.)

Whatever the reason for discomfort, being able to “stay in your own skin” and manage your energy even as it is being invited to wander and attune to an external trigger is the best way to maintain your health, well-being and sanity as well as to know when to adjust to better communicate with others who are “out of range” or to know when it is best to walk away!

Our recorded program , How to Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires includes information and a variety of methods to help you maintain healthy energy within relationships of all kinds. You can check it out here: