Manage Stress by Cultivating Creative Power

There are many ways to reduce and manage stress. I find it gets exhausting if I am always focused on trying to fight it, or conquor it. A very powerful approach that has really helped me to have a healthier attitude and approach to stress is to side step the idea of combating it and rather learn ways to open to a fundamental flow of creative energy and develop it. This provides a deep well spring from which to engage and build on practices that are more life enhancing and revitalizing.

The I Ching, the oldest book of China, of the Book of Change gives us some guidance regarding this approach. The I Ching is an observation of human behavior and the constantly changing structure of the universe. It is about the way things are at the moment and the way that they tend to change and transform themselves. A basic premise is that there are no isolated actions. Every action has a reaction and every thing affects every other thingin a synchronistic manner. The observation of patterns in nature can help us adopt an attitude of flow in order to move more gracefully, consciously and purposefully through change and challenging times.

Sixty-four different life situations (also called hexagrams) are highlighted in the I Ching. The first of these is called The Creative. It is about how worthwhile goals will meet with success. When you use your inspiration, energy, will and personal strength — your Creative Power — you can catapult yourself into new situations and use your opportunities to your best advantage. The Creative is a time when personal growth is accelerated. You focus and become aware of the situations around you. You learn when to act and when not to act. It is a time when people may look to you for leadership. You act for your highest good and you meet with success.

You can make room for the energy referred to as The Creativeto develop within you and learn to live more from this place rather than being in a combative relationship with life and its stress.

How? More on this tomorrow!