love health connection

The love health connection: what neuroscience has to say!

The Love Health Connection
Are love and health connected? It has often been noted that when we are in love we feel better physically, do not get sick as often, feel emotionally buoyant and resilient. Fortunately the field of neuroscience has shown us that we can have all those benefits with a little focus, practice and awareness. We do not have to wait to fall in love to have the beneficial experience.
Here are some cliff notes to help motivate and support you toward shifting to a more heart centered approach.

Love, Health and the Heart’s Wisdom
A heart-centered focus: raises DHEA (improve health/energy, anti-aging); lowers blood pressure; improves ability to concentrate, flow energy, and create desires.

Feelings of genuine care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion:
Shift heart rhythms toward coherence; Improve brain function
Stimulate neural, hormonal, biochemical and energetic flow to all organs
Increase parasympathetic nervous system activity, decreasing heart rate
Improve body system efficiency; Increase DHEA production (anti-aging!)
Increase IGA (immune response)

Reduce sympathetic nervous system activity, and thus decrease:
Blood pressure; Release of stress hormones; Fight/flight response

The love health connection allows us to experience well-being right down to the cellular level!
We can LEARN to trigger all the above effects at will.

Tools to Develop Your Love Health Connection Through Heart Power

1. Practice flowing gratitude through your heart chakra daily.

2. Saturate your heart with loving-kindness as often as possible.

3. Look for opportunities to appreciate people, places and things daily.

4. Buy a special journal to record your daily “gratitudes.”

So the good news is that we can get all the health benefits of being in love any time we wish! All we need do is engage the heart’s wisdom and shift toward emotions that feel good!